Enhance wallet security and prevent hacking and theft of digital currency and assets

Enhance wallet security and prevent hacking and theft of digital currency and assets

  • Published 2 Year Ago
  • DHS Blog

The digital currency market is booming these days and is attracting more and more investors every day. We have always seen that every market has prospered, and theft and fraud have also found their way into it. Hacking or phishing a digital wallet is an issue that threatens investors in this market. There have been many reports of digital currencies being hacked in recent years. About $ 1 billion has been stolen from digital Assets, according to the report. In this article, we will help you to have completely security exchanges and be one step ahead of hackers so that they can't steal your currency password.
hack wallet
How do hackers hack currency codes?

As you know, digital wallets are an integral part of cryptocurrencies. We need a digital wallet to buy, sell and store cryptocurrencies.
currency codes cannot be hacked. These are digital wallets that are hacked by hackers. By not following the security principles in keeping digital currencies, we open the way for hackers to penetrate our wallets.

hack wallet
The security of these wallets will vary depending on the type and service provider. For example, a wallet on the web or online is less secure than an offline wallet. Online wallets are more easily hacked by hackers because they are online. In addition to the type of digital wallet you choose, maintaining a private key is another important part of securing digital currencies. Losing a private key will mean losing all of your digital capital.

How to prevent your digital wallet from being hacked?

With the development of the digital currency market, more cyber thieves and hackers will attack it. Investors need to be vigilant and protect their digital Assets.
by increasing the security of their wallets. Here are some steps you can take to prevent digital wallets from being hacked.

1-Using reputable exchange offices

Before trading digital currency on an exchange, do your homework.Use reputable and well-known exchanges. Before choosing and subscribing to a digital currency exchange, check out the following 7:

  • - Check the domain of the exchange and bookmark the exchange address in the browser.
  • - Check that the exchange address is not a scam (fraudulent and not fraudulent).
  • - Avoid clicking on online links when checking digital currency exchanges.
  • - Research on exchange credit in the market and among other users
  • - Research on exchange members and the technology used
  • - The amount of working capital at the exchange
  • - Research the site and social networks of the exchange

hack wallet
2-Using a valid digital wallet

One of the most important steps you can take to prevent hacking is to choose the right digital wallet. Digital wallets come in two types software and hardware. Hardware wallets are more secure. A hardware wallet, often known as a cold storage device, is a physical wallet. The only drawback to this type of wallet is that if you forget your password, you will no longer be able to access your currency password.
Some people leave their wallets in the safe to avoid losing or forgetting the word. This way, it will be safe from being hacked and forgotten.

Other ways to prevent digital wallet hacking include

There are other ways to increase wallet security. The following measures will be effective in reducing the risk of digital wallet hacking:

  • - Offline storage of digital currency in hardware wallets;
  • - secure storage of paper wallets or hardware;
  • - keep your private key separate from your hardware wallet and in an offline environment,
  • - Keeping a little amount of digital currency on hand in exchange offices;
  • - Note the URLs of digital currency trading websites;
  • - two-factor authentication by text message or email;
  • - Do not tell others how valuable your digital assets are;
  • - Failure to store all of the currency codes in a single wallet;
  • - Distribute your digital assets among several wallets;
  • - Disable the wallet's update function;
  • - Install an ADblocker to detect secure advertisements and malware; Remove all software that remotely controls your machine; Use Linux instead of Windows;
  • - Check the first and last 5 characters of the wallet address with the recipient,
  • - Use complex passwords;
  • - Browse news of new hacker solutions to hack digital wallets.
hack wallet
Knowing the different hacking methods in Wallet is one way to stay safe from hackers. In the following, you will see the most common methods of stealing and hacking Wallet, which has been widely used by thieves in recent years.

Centralized exchanges and hack wallet 

One of the most common methods of hacking in the wallet, especially in the case of stealing cryptocurrencies, is through centralized agents such as exchange offices that operate centrally. Centralized exchanges are the best resource for hackers at the time of theft.

by providing confidential account information.

Using online wallets is another factor in hacking attempts by hackers; using online wallets allows hackers to gain access to your wallet's private key or to retrieve your information. The disclosure of confidential information such as Wallet passwords and your account information to exchanges exacerbates this factor.

Phishing is a new method of hacking in wallet.

In this hacking method, thieves try to design a site similar to the site of a reputable exchange and use that site to obtain all the confidential information of individuals, such as username and password.

Hack by copying and pasting into wallet

Copy-paste hacking in Wallet is another method that has been used by many hackers in recent years. In this method of theft, hackers create and design malicious programs that the user unintentionally allows thieves to access their phones by downloading and installing those programs on their phone, tablet, or laptop.

When the user intends to withdraw digital currency from his digital wallet, when he wants to enter his wallet address, the address of the hacker's wallet is pasted, and everything he intends to withdraw is transferred to another person's account. will be deposited.

Hacking robots

Slack-based robots are one of the most common methods of hacking in wallet. The way these bots work is that by directing the user to specific URLs, they ask for private keys from the user, and by using the information from these keys, they steal all the Assets from the individual's wallet.

Prevent wallet hacking

Here are some ways you can greatly protect yourself from being hacked in Vult by cybercriminals:

Use two-step authentication
2FA enhances digital security by a factor of 1000 and keeps hackers away. Through 2FA services, SMS is the least effective, because stealing a SIM card is enough to bypass it, so always choose the Google Authenticato options, which create a limited one-time code. 

Do not use public Wi-Fi.
No doubt you are also looking to connect to the public WIFI of those places when you go to restaurants, coffee shops, hotels, airports, etc., but it is interesting to know that hackers can easily access your phone information by sending a message using.

Be careful when loading.
Be careful when downloading, not just via email but on any social network. Remember that there are intelligent people in cryptography. Note that files posted on Telegram, Facebook, Bitcoin, Chat, etc., as tempting as they maybe to click on, may be bait. Always be careful.

4. Use ProtonMail.
An email service provider with universal encryption means that you are vulnerable to access to a malicious email. Encryption means that no one but you can read your emails, not even ProtonMail itself.

5. Keep your private keys offline.
If you have a wallet on your computer, always store your private keys offline, on an external hard drive, or as a hard copy, and hide several copies in different places with people you trust. 

No matter how talented they are, hackers will not be able to access paper copies! This way, if someone has access through malware or public Wi-Fi, you will be able to restrict what they can find or use, making it safe to steal anything important from your device. Also, keep your walletage from being hacked.

Store most of your encrypted assets in a cool wallet.
