why do we need crypto exchange

why do we need crypto exchange

  • Published 2 Year Ago
  • DHS Blog

What are the duties of online Crypto exchanges?

Cryptocurrency market activities are done online. Most of them do not have a specific physical location. Users need Crypto exchanges to trade in this market and communicate between the parties to the transaction.
Cryptocurrency exchanges are websites and online platforms that act as a bridge to conduct various transactions in the crypto market. Most of them use two methods to make transactions which are explained below.
In the first method, they act as intermediaries between the two parties to the transaction. They only help to establish communication between the two parties. In return, they receive a fee or commission. The amount of transaction commission varies for different customers in different exchanges.
In another method, these Crypto exchanges act as second parties to transactions and directly buy or sell cryptocurrencies. They trade various cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other coins with other people in the crypto market. They make money in this way.
All people who want to operate in the digital currency market need to register in these exchanges. Of course, each of them has different conditions for registration. For example, it depends on items such as local or international, the number of services, and the type of cryptocurrencies they cover. Investors must comply with all their terms and conditions to register in any of them.
Crypto exchange
What characteristics should be considered for choosing an exchange office?

Users can consider the following to join an online exchange.
The level of security and credibility of a Crypto exchange is an essential feature in choosing it. If an exchange office has low security or credit, the possibility of losing the assets of investors increases.
Reputable exchanges use authentication rules (KYC) to combat hackers and anti-money laundering.
The exchange must provide appropriate insurance services to compensate for possible losses to investors.

Exchange offices charge different fees depending on the quality of the services they provide. Users can choose the fee according to the type of activity and the number of services requested.
Different exchanges support different assets and cryptocurrencies depending on their type of activity and services. Users can select their exchange office depending on the type and number of currencies they want.
The price of cryptocurrencies varies in different exchanges due to the volume of transactions. Price differences, especially in the high volume of transactions, are a good feature in choosing Crypto exchanges.

Exchange office

What facilities does DHS Exchange provide to customers?

The DHS.market website is one of the most secure Crypto exchanges that provide suitable platforms for beginners and professionals. It is bilingual, and users with Arabic and English languages can use the platform features.
This website has enabled instant transactions for its users through smart devices. Users can access the DHS platform via smartphone and laptop.
The DHS platform currently supports Dirham, the UAE national currency, and the USDT cryptocurrency. Customers can trade USDT to Dirham easily and rapidly in about 5 to 15 minutes.
To secure assets in this Crypto exchange to combat money laundering and hacking attacks, users must register through the KYC process.
After registration, the DHS platform offers crypto wallets with TRC20 standards to its customers.
Users intending to purchase the USDT can operate through the DHS platform. Also, for those who find it easier to shop in person, visit the company's office in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Customers can act in two ways to deposit money. They can deposit money into their wallets online. It is also possible to deposit in person at the office address listed on the website.
Customers can access their wallet address through the withdrawal page on the website and perform withdrawal operations.